Hi, and welcome! Thank you for being here and for taking an interest in my goats. It means the world. My name is Tiana Darnell. I own Cosmic Galaxy Farms and all of the lovely animals who reside in it. My love for goats started back in 2012. My parents used to obtain baby goats from dairy farms, and my sister and I would bottle raise the kids until we found them new homes. I remember there being times where we had as many as 50+ kids at a time, and I just couldn't get enough of them!
After a few years, my parents stopped bringing in the kids, so the only goats we had were a few of the babies we kept over time. (Which were no longer babies!) When I was 19, I decided I wanted to have goat kids on the farm again, but this time, I wanted to do it right. So I set out to find goats that would work to start my own breeding program, and in late 2019, I purchased my first ADGA registered nubian doeling, which thus began the start of Cosmic Galaxy Farms.